Your car rental in Würzburg

There is a lot to explore in Würzburg, so a rental car is the perfect choice for your travels. You can find the right vehicle at STARCAR - your car rental company in Würzburg.




Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 1a
97076 Würzburg
Phone: 0931/20082465
Fax: 0931/20082466

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 07:30 - 18:30
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00
Sun: 09:00 - 10:00

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We use Google Maps to embed map material and enable a radius search. In the process, your personal data can be captured and collected. By using the radius search, you agree that this data is loaded from the Google server.

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The affordable rental car in Würzburg

Rent your car in Würzburg with STARCAR! Our experienced service staff focus on you as a customer and offer first-class advice. We also offer real bargains, especially during public holidays or at the start of school holidays. In addition, we have a very attractive fleet of vehicles to offer, which is always up to date, so that a rental car from STARCAR is simply fun to drive. See for yourself at the car rental office in Würzburg.


Things to know about your online reservation

Rent your car in Würzburg online with just a few clicks:


  • You choose the date for pick-up and return
  • Then estimate the kilometers to be driven
  • Next, you decide on a vehicle group
  • Book optional extras
  • Finally, enter your personal details

You will then receive a reservation confirmation from us and the car is booked. Please note that some vehicle groups can only be booked with credit card payment. A minimum age is also required for certain vehicles.


Welcome to your STARCAR car rental in Würzburg

In Würzburg, too, both business and private customers can enjoy our favorable STARCAR conditions and a comprehensive service package: whether flexible rental times or central reservation around the clock, 365 days a year; you can expect the best service from us. Try it out for yourself. We wish you lots of fun with your rental car in Würzburg and a safe journey at all times!
© 2024 STARCAR Car rental